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Welcome to 
Craig A Field


This is my personal website where you can find out more about me, my role as a Mental Health First Aid Instructor, my photography and Black Dog Ride, the charity I work with and support.

I am a Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Friend, Motorcyclist and Photographer. I have lived experience of mental health illnesses, both personally and from those around me and began this journey a few years ago when I learned about the rate of suicide among our veterans.

Who was looking after those, that are looking after us?
So I took it upon myself to do something, and it is my aim to train as many people in MHFA as I can.

The more people we have in the community that can have conversations about suicide and mental health, safely, the better our community will be.



This short documentary will give you an insight into what we do at Black Dog Ride, and more importantly, why we do it.
The video runs for about 10 minutes, please feel free to share it.

This video by Mental Health First Aid Australia, has been developed to give course participants a better appreciation of what to expect when they attend a course. 


I believe there is huge potential for social change when we bring together all levels of society. My core interests & expertise include participatory community development, collective impact, related social innovation, and a sustainable promotion of good mental health.


To this end, I have been trained to host workshops about Mental Health First Aid. These cover a range of topics which relate to establishing a greater understanding of how better mental health, facilitates better and more worthwhile well-being.


These workshops are dynamic and hands-on and each participant at my workshops leaves with a clear direction on how to implement what they have just heard.


My professional vision is to underpin all that I do with courage and kindness and to develop a lifetime of knowledge and experience about people, that allows me to create and communicate a positive impact, both personally and professionally.


Together, I believe we CAN make a difference!

I am passionate about my community and I am motivated by a desire to do all I can to help reduce the stigma around mental health and its associated issues that are faced on a daily basis by Veterans and First Responders.


Beginning my career as a Sailor in the Royal Australian Navy, I pride myself on my values of honesty, duty, accountability and moral integrity.


Reframing my professional life to become a Commercial Photographer has taught me the ability to seize and capture the moment and to live in the now, rather than the past.


However, it's this ability and a belief in power of the community, that really drives me; I am actively involved with “Black Dog Ride”, a motorcycle charity that aims to reduce the stigma around mental health and raise awareness about suicide prevention, and although that sounds really noble, usually it just involves me taking photos and riding my motorcycle, which I love!

I am the Southern Adelaide Co-ordinator and run the iconic "1 Dayer" ride every year, along with helping with some other significant events, which promote rider safety and awareness, throughout the year.




Do you need a guest speaker? I'm available  to talk to your community group about Black Dog Ride, and my own journey living with mental health & addiction issues.

Click below to find out more about Black Dog Ride.


Following twelve months of planning, on 26 July 2009 the inaugural solo Black Dog Ride set off from Busselton WA, around Australia.
26 days, $34, 232.80 fundraised, and 15,000kms later and Steve Andrews knew that he had been successful in his mission to raise awareness but he also knew that it was just the beginning.

To find out more about Black Dog Ride please click this link >

Fill in the contact form below to book your place in one of my courses


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia is a national not-for-profit organisation focused on mental health training and research. 
MHFA courses teach members of the public how to provide initial help to a person who is developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until appropriate professional help is received, or the crisis resolves.

To find out more about the Standard MHFA course that I teach please click  HERE


Guest Speaking

What do you expect to get by booking Craig as your guest speaker?


"From addiction to teaching Mental Health First Aid" is an hour to 90 minutes of insight into Craig's journey, from child to adult, including topics such as living with depression, anxiety, complex PTSD, substance addiction issues, how they manifested in him, and his recovery from them, as well as touching on everyone's role in the support of someone undergoing a mental health crisis. 


But it's not all doom and gloom, Craig will deliver his story of what it was like, what happened and what it's like now, using some interesting and sometimes hilarious anecdotes that cover all aspects of his life, family and professional career, and will leave you motivated and inspired.

Having lived, what can only be called "an interesting life," Craig will entertain, motivate and show your group that recovery is possible, no matter how far down the scale you have gone.

In addition, Craig will speak about his role with Black Dog Ride and Mental Health First Aid Australia, how they came to be and what to expect from one of his courses.


He is available most evenings in the greater metropolitan area of Adelaide, and will travel further afield, subject to availability. For more information and to discuss availability please contact him using the form below. 


Contact Me

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