I started thinking that I needed to write more about what I am passionate about, and that I needed to have content that was more appropriate for this website. Afterall this website was created to manage my Mental Health First Aid business.
So here is a take on the invisible battle 1 in 5 Australians are battling.
Invisible Battles
In the depths of a turbulent sea they sail,
A tempest within, where emotions prevail.
Each wave a different shade of grey,
Metaphors for battles fought each day.
A hurricane’s fierce dance,
Whirling thoughts, they take their chance.
A storm within, relentless and cruel,
But still, they push through, remain resilient and cool.
A heavy, suffocating fog,
Obscuring the path, like a treacherous bog.
They search for a glimmer, a distant light,
A reason to keep fighting through the night.
A pendulum’s wild swing,
From soaring highs to depths that sting.
They navigate this erratic tide,
With strength and courage as their guide.
A thunderous clash of thunder,
Haunted by memories that tear them asunder.
Yet they soldier on, face the ghosts of their past,
Determined their resilience will forever last.
A maze of endless corridors,
Compulsions and rituals, like locked doors.
They strive to find order in the chaos’s wake,
In a world that often feels ready to break.
A fractured mirror’s reflection,
A mind’s kaleidoscope, a unique connection.
They see a world that others can’t perceive,
A tapestry of experiences they’re determined to believe.
Invisible battles fought deep within,
Each metaphor a struggle they face and win.
Strength and hope, their guiding star,
In the complex universe that’s who they are.
Let us offer support, understanding, and grace,
For those who endure this challenging space.
In their metaphoric storms, may they find a way,
To glimpse the sun and brighter skies, someday.
